
Parents, educators, and government leaders around the world generally agree that schools must help children learn to improve their thinking skills. But how? The world's most respected authority on creative and constructive thinking and creator of thinking methods used by world leaders in business and government, created this powerful course in thinking skills for school children.

First offered in 1970 and proven effective in elementary and secondary schools in every hemisphere, CoRT will give your students thinking skills they can begin using now and continue to use daily throughout their lives.

What is CoRT ?

This ten lesson, two-week program teaches students of all abilities to effectively apply their intelligence to any academic, personal, or social situation. The lessons are dynamic yet basic enough to be taught at any grade level from K-Adult, with minor adaptations. These lessons help students broaden perception, as fundamental to thinking as vocabulary is to reading.

Who can benefit from using CoRT ?

The ideal age for introducing CoRT may be nine or ten. But CoRT tools have been adapted on a large scale for use with students as young as six and with adults as well. CoRT is being used by some Fortune 500 corporations to teach their employees how to think. Several countries have made CoRT as a required part of their national school curriculum.
Success in using the CoRT tools does not depend on prior knowledge, a great memory, or reading or writing skills. Students of varying abilities benefit from CoRT, including special education students, gifted and talented students, ESL students, and at risk youth.

What's in a CoRT lesson ?

Each lesson is structured in five parts: 1 "D" and 4 "P"s

  • Define the tool Practice
  • Process
  • Principles
  • Project

The teacher guides will lead you through each lesson. The D and Ps are each summarized on handy student cards. You can also conduct the whole lesson orally, without the cards, on the chalk board, overhead projector, computer terminals, etc.

The first strand of 10 lessons (CoRT Breadth) is sequential. After that you can pick and choose the strand(s) that best suite your students, or you can teach the whole program systematically.

You may also choose a "tool of the week" and teach a little bit about it for 5-10 minutes a day. The lessons are great for an attention-getter first thing in the morning or right after lunch to refocus the students' attention.

Even if you only find time for a few of the CoRT tools you will be giving your students a gift that will change the way they think, not just for a day but for a lifetime! "...it is reasonable to conclude that CoRT has considerable impact on thinking about the kinds of imaginative or common sense situations highlighted in CoRT materials...there can be some impact on general measure of intelligence and on school performance...CoRT is straightforward, ingenious, and quite easy to apply. Intelligence can be taught with CoRT" Outsmarting IQ: Them Emerging Science of Learnable Intelligence by David Perkins, Ph.D

CoRT is a 60 lesson, 2 year program that teaches students of all abilities to effectively apply their intelligence to any academic, personal, or social situation. The lessons are generic enough to be taught at any grade level from K - 12, with minor adaptations.

Six thinking hats for students

The ability to think effectively is a skill that has to be learnt. This ability improves with practice in the use of thinking tools . The Six Thinking Hats system, pioneered by Dr. Edward de Bono, helps in structured thinking and creativity, by allowing the user to overcome some of the barriers, which stand in the way of balanced and focused thinking . Each of the Six Hats represents a particular mode of thinking - The Green Hat for Creativity, the Blue Hat for Thinking, the Red Hat for Feelings, the Yellow Hat for Benefits, the White Hat for Information and the Black Hat for Judgement.

Students are taught to recognize each of the six modes and to come up with the thinking, appropriate to each colour . This enables them to think in the mode, which they consider suitable for a particular thinking situation. Such an approach helps them to overcome problems of waffle or drift, which result from the inability to identify one’s thinking, required for a particular situation

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