
There are few things more annoying and frustrating in work than dealing with a piece of complex machinery or a cumbersome process which will not do what you need done. From complexity comes stress, anxiety and frustration - even rage - followed by apathy and exit. But you don't have to be a victim anymore. Not with de Bono Thinking Systems' Simplicity.

Based on the work of Dr. Edward de Bono

Complexity abounds! Much of what we do day in and day out in our work life bears exponential complexity. Stress, anxiety, unproductive behavior and processes and increased complications become the norm. Duplication and roadblocks seem everywhere. Regrettably, there is a direct effect on ROI via decreased efficiencies, as well as decreased effectiveness. We don’t design our organizations to be complex, they simply evolve that way.

About the course

Challenging complexity and finding ways to simplify your procedures, processes and organizational dynamics is the aim of The Course on Simplicity. Designed by Dr. Edward de Bono, The Course on Simplicity will provide you with the Challenge tools to effectively identify, simplify and make your key business issues less complex.

What we know about Simplicity and the Simplicity Tools...
• We know simplicity never just happens. And exhortation to simplify is not enough. Simplifying work life and processes takes deliberate effort, intentionality and commitment.
• Like any tool, the Simplicity tools require practice to learn. Confidence, competence and mastery will follow intentional and willful practice.
• The Simplicity tools are an extension of the Lateral Thinking tools developed by Dr. de Bono which are used successfully in corporations worldwide.

The Simplicity Tools cover four broad areas:
1. Removal which has a focus on Combining, Shifting, Challenging and Values;
2. Replacement which has a focus on Ideal Concepts, Provocation, Exceptions and Units;
3. Restructuring which focuses on existing parts
4. Taking a Broad or Narrow View of the Organizational System. 

Key Benefits: You will be able to...
• Understand and use the ten Edward de Bono rules of Simplicity.
• Identify and reduce duplication of efforts in order to increase ROI.
• Identify and remove longstanding and difficult organizational roadblocks and barriers and increase employee and customer satisfaction.
• Increase organizational ownership of the need for Simplicity.
• Free your employees to think through ideas more quickly, leading to faster market innovations.
• Equip your employees with Simplicity tools that will positively enable your organizational quest for ongoing Simplicity.
• Engage your customers and vendors in the dialogue and search for the Win-Win quest for Simplifying relationships, technology, products, services and work life.
• Create a Simplicity Focus, Plan and Team for your organization or company.

As you can imagine, this can be a powerful program.
The Course in Simplicity productively refocuses your people’s intellectual and emotional energy resulting in increased organizational effectiveness, employee and customer satisfaction and of course better ROI.

Who Should Attend: Organizational leaders interested in simplifying the way work happens. 

Please Register
Simplicity Workshop



Course Investment

INR 15000/- Plus GST


03 Days


09:30 am - 12:30pm

Course Material

Digital Manuals from dBTS


Participation Certificate from dBTS

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